Music by Andrew Johnstone
Free and unlimited use may be made of the scores linked below.
Links may be circulated, but users are requested please not to re-post the scores themselves so that the versions posted here can be kept up to date.
All scores were last updated on 10-07-2019 unless dated otherwise.
Typographical errors notified to me will be corrected by return.
Advent Wreath Prayers (ATBB/Org.)
Double-Choir Eucharist (SATB/SATB)
Anglican/Episcopalian version / larger type 22-07-23
Ecumenical version / larger type 03-03-21
Fourth-Tone Eucharist (ATBarB) revised 29-07-20
Messa solennissima al gusto italiano, ma non troppo lungo, e con parole inglesi contemporanee (SATB/1–2Orgs, or SATB/2Tpts/Org./Str.)
Anglican/Episcopalian version
vocal score 21-07-24 / orchestral score 23-03-23
Roman Missal version
vocal score 28-04-24 / orchestral score 23-03-23
The Slane Eucharist (SATB/Org.) 33-06-22
Three-Voice Eucharist 13-08-20
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis in E flat (S/Org.)
Nunc dimittis (Latin, TTBB)
Short Service: Magnificat and Nunc dimittis (SAATB)
Urbs fortitudinis in A (SS/Org.)
Urbs fortitudinis in B minor (S/Org.)
Preces, Responses and The Lord’s Prayer (SSS) 10-09-22
Preces, Responses and The Lord’s Prayer (SATB) 10-09-22
Preces, Responses and The Lord’s Prayer (SA[A]TB) 10-09-22
Office hymn accompaniments (arr. U/Org.)
Psalm Tones with organ accompaniments (arr. U/Org.) 13-03-22
Anthems and Motets
Angelorum voces (SATB/Org.) hymn-anthem
Antiphonon (SSAATTBB) for college chapels
Four Sacred Airs (SATB) 01-09-24
Metaphors of Mary and of Christ (SATB/SATB) 07-07-22
Nostra panifica (SATB) for the Holy Eucharist
An Old Irish Blessing (SATB/Org.)
The Selkirk Grace (SATB)
The Selkirk Grace (ATBarB)
Sequence for St Bartholomew (SSATBB/Carillon/Org.) for 24 August
Vidi aquam (SATB) for Holy Baptism and the Easter Vigil
Organ Solos
Diminutives: Five Easy Organ Pieces 29-06-24
Fantasia super ‘Laudate Dominum’
Festive Overture on ‘Wir pflügen’
Tiento de quinto tono de medio registro de tiple sobra Feliz navidad
Organ Transcriptions
Concerto armonico No 3, by Count Unico Wilhelm van Wassenaer
Concerto armonico No 5, by the same
Galimathias musicum, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, K. 32
Milonga del Angel and Muerte del Angel, by Astor Piazzolla
Organ and Trumpet
Ramalhete de Toadas Populares (Org./Tpt in C)
Sonata da chiesa (Org./Tpt in A+Bb)
Organ Duet
Sestetto Sonata 28-08-23 (large print with easy page-turns) (audio)
Piano Duets
Scale Duets 18-05-20
Three Preludes and Fugues 18-05-20
Harpsichord Duet
Sarasota Suite 23-03-23 (audio)
Christmas Material
Christmas Hymns and Descants pack (arr.)
Deck the hall (arr. SATB/U/Org.)
Five Christmas Lyrics from the Red Book of Ossory (SATB/Org.)
God rest you merry, gentlemen (arr. SSATB/Org.)
The Song of the Ox (soloA/SAATB/Org.)
Wachet auf! ruft und die Stimme (arr. SATB/SATB)
Wake, awake, for night is flying (arr. SATB/SATB)
We wish you a merry Christmas (arr. SATB)